I picked up the book The Librarian by Valerie Keogh on a whim simply because I love libraries and had at one time wanted to be a librarian. What could be better than a book about a librarian. The title is a bit misleading in that regards.. While she may have been a librarian, it wasn't in the typical standard definition and the fact that the main character was a 'librarian' (more like curator in my world) it was honestly a minor detail of the story.

In this story the librarian lives a very quiet life and is living a life of guilt from past transgressions. The guilt is eating her alive as the 10 year anniversary approaches. A chance meeting sets off a chain of events that at first make this librarian seem crazy and ready to snap. However, the reader will eventually be drawn in to he very real fear that is the main characters unravelling life. When the end does come, the librarian is released angst that permeated the whole storyline. But the guilt that the librarian has carried, well that is up to the reader to decide if the guilt has been eradicated or only heightened.
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