The novel Conversations with a Fat girl by Liz Palmer resonated with me in so many ways!

Conversations with a Fat Girl by Liz Palmer is a novel about a girl that has lived her life as a fat girl, which will resonate with so many readers. The main character of the story grew up overweight and as she got older, she had a very active dream/fantasy world which was her escape from her chubby life. Her weight ruled the decisions she made. She allowed the number on the scale and the size of her body to rule her romantic life to the point that she did not have one. This book is particularly awesome because this overweight girl learns the most important thing, and that is that she can't let the fears that are grounded in her obesity win. She is the ruler of her life and not her weight.
Feel free to read my person reflections on this book in this post on my weight loss blog.
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