Eye Opening! I love a book that opens my eyes and helps me grow as a person. Sometimes you find that book and you can't help but be excited. The book Atomic Habits by James Clear did just that!

From the very first paragraphs of the introduction in the book Atomic Habits by James Clear, I was shaking my head in agreement. We all know the importance of good habits versus bad habits, but this book really lays it out for the reader to see how habits, no matter how inconsequential can add up to huge results. The book walks the reader through building habits. Simple things that can help us to build healthy habits. He talks about simple habits to remove obstacles for the healthy habits and reducing the tempting draw of the bad habits. The book encourages the reader to have goals, but to realize that it is the habits that we create in life that will determine if we reach our goals. Every chapter had me widening my eyes in amazement as I we moved from the importance of habits to how to create a new habit. This book is a must read if you want to achieve goals and greatness in your life!
To read a more in depth review and my feelings of this book, feel free to check out my post about this book on my weight loss blog.
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