Book Review: How I Lost 50 Pounds in 6 Months by Dylan Murray

Published on 6 August 2020 at 09:34

Losing 50 pounds in 6 months?   Is that even possible? According to Dylan Murray's book How I Lost 50 Pounds in 6 Months it is!   A while back I picked up a e-book.  I'm honestly don't know if it was one that I picked up because it was free or if it is one that I actually purchased.   And really, it doesn't matter.   What matters is that the other day  I was looking through the library on my I pad and noticed it.   I put it on the back burner in my mind and kept diligently working on the items on my to do list.   Eventually my productivity came to a screeching halt.  Not because I was done being productive, but because my to do list had been completed.    I sat for a few minutes and then remembered this book that I wanted to check out.  I was off and running.

The book?   How I Lost 50 Pounds in 6 Months:  The Story of My May- November Diet  (affiliate link) by Dylan Murray.  I started reading.   This guy seems to be pretty easy going, he has a sense of humor and his advice is straight forward and easy to read.   He explains the science behind his plan and success at losing weight.  He does it with humor and he does it simplistically.     It really is a good book for someone that wants to get a handle on how to start this process.  It is also a good reminder to those of us that have been doing it for a reminds us of the actual scientific process that we have embarked upon. (Calories in versus Calories out).  He doesn't push high priced fact he recommends naked dancing.  (yup, gonna have to read the book to figure that one out!)  He did talk about what he eventually DID purchase (but really...buying the premium membership at My Fitness Pal to stop the infernal ads doesn't count does it???) and he talks about his success.  

Kudos to Dylan for not only taking the steps to figure out the process of losing weight but to also try to impart this knowledge in an obese and overweight world. This is a great read for anyone that is looking to be healthy!

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