The book Killer of the Flower Moon by David Grann came to my attention quite a while back. I immediately placed a hold for the book online with my library and then I waited. I honestly forgot what the book was even about by the time I received the email notification that the book was ready for me to download. I dove right in without reviewing what the book was about. Afterall, I knew I had been interested in it at some point and if the wait time was any indication, it was going to be a good read.
The book is based on the true life events of a murder spree in the Osage community that occurred in the 1920's. The history is laid out splendidly and gave me a base knowledge of the Osage Indian community. This was good for me as I had no knowledge or base of reference when I started this book. The story starts innocently enough with the death of a young Osage Indian. But it quickly spirals with more mysterious deaths in the same family until the family is annihilated. The investigation seems to be going no where until the newly formed FBI gets involved and then the case is cracked open.

I honestly found this book to be a really slow read. It seemed as if there was a lot of extraneous information in telling of this story. The knowledge would be useful for someone that wanted to dive into every little intricacy and detail (For example, the history of the lead investigator of the crimes was laid out in detail even though his history had nothing to do with him solving the crime.) The extraneous details were overwhelming and detracted from the story. Even with that, I found myself recounting the book to my husband as it touched a nerve. Much to my surprise, he quickly told me about the movie that is being released on the same story. Well then......that's what I get for having to wait so long to read a book and then just diving in to read it without reminding myself why I wanted to read it in the first place!
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