I somehow had missed reading Silent Honor by Danielle Steel,even though the book was published more than 10 years ago. I knew this book would be good when I realized that I would have to wait quite a few weeks before the book would be available for me to download at my library. Once I got the book, I was not disappointed. This was a book that had me turning the pages as I lived the story along with the characters. As is typical of books by his author, the characters emotions hit deep within me. This bulk of this book takes place in the World War II era and specifically around a young Japanese girl/woman who has to learn to live with the issues created by her country of origin. The fear and uncertainty that was prevalent in that historic era was evident in this book. Silent Honor, takes the reader into the camps of Japanese that popped up in America during the tumultuous time in our history. And typical of Danielle Steel books, there is always love and love always prevails, which brings a smile to my face.

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