Book Review: Walden on Wheels: On the Open Road from Debt to Freedom by Ken Ilgunas

Published on 24 May 2023 at 11:02

Van life or Debt freedom?  I wanted to know exactly which topic the book Walden on Wheels: On the Open Road from Debt to Freedom, by Ken Ilgunas would be covering.  I was intrigued with both subjects, so it was an obvious choice for me to read.

The book Walden on Wheels: On the Open Road from Debt to Freedom is an honest look the troubles that face so many college graduates, large student loans and lack of employment.  The author actually began to panic at the student loans while he was in college, yet followed the trend and kept adding more and more debt each year.  When he graduated he was tens of thousands in debt and working at Home Depot and unhappy with where he was in life and his prospects.   His heart lay in Alaska, so off he went!  Thus began the adventures.   He began to work and live frugally but in a way that he began to experience life.  From cleaning, cooking, tour guides, park ranger he did what he needed to do.  All the while, he never lost sight of his ultimate goal, to pay off his debt and be free.   

His journey wasn't over when he finally became debt free.  He wanted to go to graduate school and he didn't want to end up in debt once again.  He searched and pondered and came up with a cost efficient way, he would live in his van while attending grad school.   Thus began a new chapter of experiences.  

Throughout the book, the author is learning more and more about himself and diving into the true psyche of his being as he discovers what is really necessary in life.  Overall this was a great read.  There were times where the author became a bit philosophical and things droned on a bit, but before long he would be back to telling his story!   The book was good enough that I have another of his books into my must read pile.   I will be hopefully soon reading Trespassing Across America:  One Man's Epic, Never-Done-Before (and sort of Illegal) hike across the Heartland


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